radiology Tag

  • By Melbourne Endovascular
This short video was made for the British Interventional Radiology Society, explaining what IR is and why they believe IR or "image guided surgery"...
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  • By Melbourne Endovascular
Effective from January 2016, Associate Professor Lyon's consulting rooms will be located at: Mckinnon Hill Medical Centre 86 McKinnon Road McKinn...
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  • By Melbourne Endovascular
Dr Stuart Lyon and Dr Peter Foley have published a landmark paper that demonstrates immunity is preseved in the spleen following embolisation rather...
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  • By Melbourne Endovascular
A/Prof Stuart Lyon is now operating and consulting at The Valley Private Hospital, Mulgrave. This now gives our patients more options of when and wher...
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  • By Melbourne Endovascular
nterventional News has reported that the UK CAVA trial, a four way randomised controlled trial of long term venous access devices for the delivery of...
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  • By Melbourne Endovascular
In its report on 4 March 2014, the Society of Interventional Radiologists explained "Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) often brings with it the risk of Pos...
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  • By Melbourne Endovascular
Welcome to our recently launched website.  We look forward to being of assistance and in providing you with information about our treatments.&nbs...
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  • By Melbourne Endovascular
Melbourne Endovascular adds the "Jaws of life " bronchial endoscopy retrieval set, now listed for IVC filter retrieval. " This means that we can now...
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