We are on the move - Effective January 2016

  • By Melbourne Endovascular

Effective from January 2016, Associate Professor Lyon's consulting rooms will be located at:

Mckinnon Hill Medical Centre

86 McKinnon Road

McKinnon 3204

Ph: 03 9999 7280

Fx: 03 8672 6624



Associate Professor Lyon will continue to consult at The Avenue Consulting rooms and appointments can be made directly on 9526 5444

  • By Melbourne Endovascular
The Karolinska Institute-sponsored, prospective, observational MAVERRIC study aims to demonstrate that a strategy of first line local microwave abla...
  • By Melbourne Endovascular
This short video was made for the British Interventional Radiology Society, explaining what IR is and why they believe IR or "image guided surgery"...
  • By Melbourne Endovascular
Effective from January 2016, Associate Professor Lyon's consulting rooms will be located at: Mckinnon Hill Medical Centre 86 McKinnon Road McKinn...