The Karolinska Institute-sponsored, prospective, observational MAVERRIC study aims to demonstrate that a strategy of first line local microwave abla...
Dr Stuart Lyon and Dr Peter Foley have published a landmark paper that demonstrates immunity is preseved in the spleen following embolisation rather...
A/Prof Stuart Lyon is now operating and consulting at The Valley Private Hospital, Mulgrave. This now gives our patients more options of when and wher...
nterventional News has reported that the UK CAVA trial, a four way randomised controlled trial of long term venous access devices for the delivery of...
In this BBC Health News article, Dr Duncan Ettles of the British Society of Interventional Radiology, discusses the major impact that the balloon angi...
In its report on 4 March 2014, the Society of Interventional Radiologists explained "Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) often brings with it the risk of Pos...
Melbourne Endovascular adds the "Jaws of life " bronchial endoscopy retrieval set, now listed for IVC filter retrieval.
" This means that we can now...